To obtain a NYS license, midwives must hold at least a Master’s degree, and pass the American Midwifery Certification Board licensing exam. More information about additional licensure requirements can be found here (hot link to NYSED.gov that is currently in place).
Midwives in New York hail from a number of midwifery programs that are online or campus-based. Some of the common programs New York Yorkers attend are listed below. There are 2 pathways to midwifery licensure currently recognized in NYS, the Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) and the Certified Midwife (CM). Certified Midwives have the same midwifery education and licensure exam, but do not have a degree in nursing. Currently, only SUNY Downstate and Jefferson University offer the CM degree. Not all states recognize CM’s, you can check https://www.midwife.org/certified-midwife-credential for a complete list of states that do. Both CNM’s and CM’s are referred to as Licensed Midwives.
For a full listing of currently-accredited schools, including distance learning options, please visit ACNM’s list of ACME-accredited programs. For more information about CMs and CNMs, click here.
If you are already a student midwife and are nearing the completion of your program, now is a good time to complete the forms necessary for licensure. You can find these forms here.